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UK Business Rates Advisors

At Johnson White, we specialise in providing expert advice to businesses about their business rates. Our business rates advisors bring years of experience to the table, and we are dedicated to helping your business succeed by reducing your financial strain. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you.

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Business Rates Consultancy

How are Business Rates calculated?

Business Rates are determined by multiplying the Rateable Value (RV) of a property by the Uniform Business Rates (UBR). The RV represents the Valuation Office's assessment of a property's market rent as of a specific valuation date. In the present 2023 Rating List, Rateable Values are derived from a valuation date of April 1, 2021.

How we can help:

Rateable Valuation Challenge

Our team of rating specialists is available to assess whether there are legitimate reasons to contest your Rateable Value and assist you in navigating the intricate appeal protocols implemented for the 2017 Rating List.

Relief Application

Devolution and local governance have led to variations in the implementation of awards across regions and authorities. With reliefs and exemptions applied locally, our expertise in understanding these intricacies sets us apart from our competitors. Leveraging our extensive regional network of specialists who possess in-depth knowledge of devolved legislation and policies, we provide top-tier advice regardless of your property's location.

We enhance our clients' opportunities by comprehensively grasping their commercial property usage and occupancy. Through close collaboration, we assess their potential eligibility for business rates discounts, reliefs, and exemptions.

Our distinctive combination of experience and proficiency enables us to construct the most compelling case for reducing your business rates liability.

Business Rate Audit

We have the capability to examine all payments dating back to 1990 to verify the accuracy of your rate demands and pursue refunds for any overpayments made.
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